Description of the infrastructure: 

The Astronomical Observatory of Palermo (OAPa) is one of the research centres of INAF. OAPa hosts the HPC facility SCAN (Computing System for Numerical Astrophysics). The facility consists of three clusters Linux, each based in 64-cores. Sound experience and the skills necessary to optimize magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) and hydrodynamic (HD) codes for efficient execution on HPC systems, and to develop and apply numerical models to the study of astrophysical plasma, such as that present in the solar and stellar coronae, young stellar objects, and supernova remnants are available. The OAPa group has also a long- term experience in analyzing and interpreting the model results in terms of observable quantities and it has an excellent experience on multi-wavelength data analysis and interpretation.

Offered services: 

OAPa researchers offer tool developed for the synthesis of emission in different wavelength bands from the models in post-processing. In the framework of this project two TNA are offered focussing on: 1) accretion/ejection processes in young stellar objects and 2) physics of SNRs and cosmic rays acceleration at shock fronts of SNRs. During the visit, the users will interact with local researchers to develop and test HD/MHD models, and to synthesize emission in different wavelength bands from the model results for a comparison with actual observations. The users will have access to the HPC SCAN facility to setup and test the simulations and to run medium size 2D/3D simulations.

Contact person(s): 
Rosaria Bonito
Salvatore Orlando