Applicant Institute of origin TNA facility Duration Title of project
Aleksandra Bochenek

Liverpool John Moores University, UK

University of Ferrara, Italy 1 week

Investigation into the diversity of relativistic explosions in the universe

Hannah Wichern

DTU Space, Denmark

University of Ferrara, Italy 2 weeks

The 3D geometry of transients related to gravitational wave events

Cairns Turnbull

Liverpool John Moores University, UK

University of Ferrara, Italy 2 weeks

Numerical Analysis of Gamma-ray Bursts

Sahil Jawar

University of Potsdam, Germany

University of Ferrara, Italy 2 weeks

Data driven analysis of kilonova modelling

Filip Huško

Durham University, UK

University of Leiden, the Netherlands 1 week

X-ray cavities in simulations of galaxy formation

Leïla Godinaud

CEA Saclay, France

INAF Palermo, Italy 1 week

Bridging the gap between observations and numerical simulations of supernova remnants
















Applicant Institute of origin TNA facility Duration Title of project
Giulia Gianfagna

INAF - IAPS, Italy

University of Bath, UK 1 week

Hubble constant estimation using a joint EM and GW analysis of the neutron star merger GW170817

Yuhan Yang

University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy

University of Bath, UK 2 weeks

Innovations in the investigations of gamma-ray burst afterglows by the upcoming high-sensitivity X-ray telescopes

Marie Prucker

Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

INAF OA Palermo, Italy 1 week

Evolution of supernova remnants in different environments

Sivert Hagane

Universitetet i Bergen, Norway

University of Ferrara, Italy 1 week

Study of the timing structure of cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts with the Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor













Applicant Institute of origin TNA facility Duration Title of project
Luca Izzo INAF-Napoli, Italy University of Bath, UK 1 week The jet/cocoon emission in relativistic type Ic-BL supernovae
Anna Neuweiler University of Potsdam, Germany University of Ferrara, Italy 2 weeks Tracing the Origin of Heavy Elements: Simulations of Binary Neutron Star Mergers and their Kilonova Light Curves
Paramvir Singh Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Germany University of Bath, UK 1 week Electromagnetic counterparts from compact mergers








Applicant Institute of origin TNA facility Duration Title of project
Georgios Dimopoulos Universidad Diego Portales, Chile University of Geneva, Switzerland 1 week Complex modelling of the SMBH environment using the ray-tracing code RefleX
Filip Husko Durham University, UK University of Leiden, NL 2 weeks

Active galactic nuclei jet simulations

Hiroaki Yamamoto Caltech, USA EGO/Virgo, Italy 2 weeks Development of simulation tools for the gravitational wave (GW) detectors







Applicant Institute of origin TNA facility Duration Title of project
Giulia Stratta INAF-IAPS, Italy University of Bath, UK 1 week

AHEAD workshop GRB modelling

Andrea Rossi INAF-OAS, Italy University of Bath, UK 1 week

AHEAD workshop GRB modelling

Lowri Mathias University of Bath, UK University of Ferrara, Italy 2 weeks

Constraining the equation of state of neutron star matter

Simon de Wet University of Cape Town, South Africa University of Bath, UK 1 week Gamma-ray Burst Afterglow Modelling
Paul Boniol University of Paris, France EGO/Virgo, Italy 1 week Geo-localization of source of noise using fiber-acoustic sensors










Applicant Institute of origin TNA facility Duration Title of project
Mattia Bulla

Stockholm University, Sweden

University of Ferrara, Italy

2 weeks

Electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational-wave events: constraining the inclination angle and the equation of state






Applicant Institute of origin TNA facility Duration Title of project
Anabella Araudo

LUPM, France and Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

INAF-OAPa, Italy 1 week

Numerical simulations of protostellar jets termination region

Giulia Gianfagna


University of Bath, UK 1 week

Joining GWs and GRB afterglows data: a combined fitting pipeline