Proceedings of the conference will be published free of charges on the Journal of the Italian Astronomical Society (
The articles must be prepared using LateX2e, using the document class mem.cls, available from the web site of the Memorie ( Figures shall be provided as postscript or encapsulated postscript files, as detailed in the instructions for authors. For anything, concerning style, which is not explicitly written in their instructions for authors, Memorie conforms to the style of A&A. (
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The page length for contribution is:
- Invited talks: 6 pages
- Solicited talks: 5 pages
- Contributed talks: 4 pages
- Posters: 3 pages
Proceedings are due at the latest on 15 April 2019 and should be uploaded on the conference website using the "Conference proceedings" upload option that you can find in the "Edit your registration" link (top left side menu of the website). Please, remember to click on "SAVE" after the upload, otherwise, your files will not be stored on our system.