The Mikhail G. Revnivtsev prize was established in memory of renowned high-energy astrophysicist Mikhail Revnivtsev and is awarded to a young scientist with excellent recent achievements in the field of X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy (below 35 years of age, as of October 31, 2018 for the current edition). The competition is open to individuals from all countries. Relevance is attributed to scientific results obtained in the last 5 years, which have received a significant recognition worldwide. This prize has been awarded at the 12th INTEGRAL Conference “INTEGRAL looks AHEAD to Multi-Messenger Astrophysics” to Dr. Thomas Siegert for his substantial contribution to the INTEGRAL scientific legacy with his analystic work on nucleosynthesis in the Galaxy via Gamma-ray spectroscopic studies. The prize bears a monetary award, which cover all expenses of the winner participation to the conference and has been sponsored by ESA, IAPS, INAF, and IKI .
From left to right: Alexander Lutovinov (IKI), Erik Kuulkers (ESA), Thomas Siegert, and Pietro Ubertini (IAPS-INAF)
(Photo credits P. Kretschmar)