JEM-X image

We want to look if a newly reported source is observed also with JEM-X in a given time range (1-5 May 2021)

Then, we need to fill the query for the JEM-X image. Note that you need to select the unit to use, as well as a suitable energy range. For more insight look at the JEM-X user manual

after you click submit, you will receive an email and another one at job completion.

When you click on the url you will be directed to the page and you close the popup

To finally get the image with a new source

At this point, you can visualize the catalog and you want to change the "flag" to 1. To do that, select the source and click on edit.

you will have a popup

click on save and then on use catalog to use the catalog for the jem-x spectral or light-curve extraction. Remember to unselect the source before use catalog is hit ! Otherwise only the selected source is used.